Experience the anime-inspired action-adventure RPG LunarLux, set on the Moon a thousand years after humanity's escape from a volcanic Earth, as you battle mysterious monsters, uncover lost civilizations,…
Join Monie, the spunky fairy with the power to glitch her enemies, on a fast-paced platforming adventure to confront her arch nemesis and regain her flying ability in The Glitch Fairy.
Play as King Arthur in Knight vs Giant: The Broken Excalibur and wield the power of the Broken Excalibur to rescue Camelot's citizens, defeat the calamitous Void Giant, and escape the Astral Dimension…
Escape your own mind and uncover the mysteries of the Dreamcutter, a sexy and thrilling adventure game with stylish combat and unique movement options.
Escape Hell's maw as a pagan, battling demonic bosses, triggering powerful relics, and juggling disks in this intense brick-breaking, bullet hell, roguelite game Against Great Darkness.
Fire Shark, the classic vertical shmup from Toaplan, returns with updated features including a beginner mode, online leaderboards, and quick saves. Fly through intense stages, unleash powerful weapons,…
Embark on a gripping journey in INDUSTRIA, an atmospheric FPS set in Cold War-era East Berlin, as you unravel the secrets of a mysterious parallel dimension and search for a missing colleague. Discover…
Experience the unique and dynamic world of "Avopug Show," an arcade racing game that challenges traditional rules and takes you on a thrilling ride through diverse tracks.