Embark on a mythical journey in "Yaoling: Mythical Journey," an Eastern fantasy RPG filled with unique Yaolings, strategic battles, and a world of captivating stories.
Embark on a hilarious point-and-click adventure with the unexpected detective duo, Magret and FaceDeBouc, as they navigate a quirky cartoon world to solve a murder mystery.
Alone in the Crowd is a humorous puzzle simulation investigative thriller set in a dystopian future where you use gadgets to help an AI character search for specific citizens.
Join Aletheia on her quest to uncover the secrets of Canaan in Gestalt: Steam & Cinder, an engrossing 2D platformer with tight combat and a stunning steampunk world.
Play as rookie attorney Apollo Justice and his mentor, the legendary Phoenix Wright, in this collection of 3 games featuring the 14 episodes and 2 DLC-only special episodes for a total of 16 episodes!